Astrology Reveals The Universe’s Secret Love Language
Jung and quantum theory show astrology’s powerful purpose

Admit it, you’re a little self-obsessed. It’s okay; so is everyone else.
We jump at the chance for self-knowledge because, regardless of our level of self-awareness, we remain a frustrating mystery.
Enter astrology.
Similar to other modes of self-inquiry like Myers-Briggs, Human Design, and the Enneagram, astrology promises an excursion into our psyche’s hidden cavity, a titillating prospect that piques curiosity.
This was certainly the case after I read my horoscope on the AOL homepage 25 years ago. That day, I began a comprehensive study of the discipline and am now a dedicated practitioner.
I use my extensive knowledge to help individuals navigate the complexities of the human experience and actualize their highest potential.
It’s deeply fulfilling.
Cue the outrage:
What a lunatic! Doesn’t she know that astrology is unscientific? Isn’t she a lawyer for goddsake?
— You right now
Your shouting hurts my ears. Let me explain.
While it’s true that the practice is presently unsubstantiated, astrology is undeniably efficacious. After doing nearly 100 readings, I’m still amazed at the accuracy of my insights. I pride myself on my analytical abilities, so my success was vexing.
Enter Carl Jung.
Jung frequently utilized astrology with psychoanalysis and proposed that the engine behind astrology isn’t the position of the stars but rather the ingrained archetypes of the collective unconscious.
Enter Quantum Physics
Renowned neuropsychologist Diogo Valadas Ponte and distinguished professor of quantum chemistry Lothar Schäfer determined that quantum reality is actually Jungian in nature.
I employ their conclusions to craft a quantum theory of Jungian astrology revealing the powerful purpose of this metaphysical concept.
The Sky is Fickle
In the 2nd century BC, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered the procession of the equinox, or the gradual shift in the Earth’s rotational axis that occurs over approximately 25,772 years. This reorientation causes the position of the stars relative to the Earth’s North Pole to change by 1 degree every 72 years. This means that over time, a person’s zodiac sign is no longer aligned with its namesake constellation.
For example, the sign of Aries is currently in the constellation Pisces, and by the year 2600 will reside in Aquarius.
While Eastern traditions like Hindu (Vedic) astrology account for the procession, Western astrology does not. This fact should automatically delegitimize the Western practice. However, I’ve studied the more “precise” Vedic discipline and found its interpretations wildly inaccurate.
So what’s the deal?
It’s all about the timing.
The Moment, not the Movement
As Jung experimented with astrology during psychotherapy sessions, he noticed a peculiar correlation between his patients’ psychological predispositions and the planetary makeup of their birth charts. He similarly noted that ongoing, real-time celestial configurations (transits) consistently elicited predictable, perceptible outcomes.
According to the book Jung on Astrology, he credited this relationship to synchronicity, which he defined as:
The occurrence of meaningful coincidences which, in themselves, are chance happenings, but are so improbable that we must assume them to be based on some kind of principle, or on some property of the empirical world.
We’ve all experienced synchronicities at some point in our lives.
Remember when you thought about your best friend and she happened to call a few hours later? Or how about when you dreamt of a rare yellow-spotted butterfly only to see one hover next to you on the street the next day?
Albeit amused, you likely dismissed the incidents as mere coincidences.
Jung would beg to differ.
He opined that synchronicities emanate from the unus mundus or unitary reality outside the boundaries of space-time where matter and psyche converge.
Pervading this ethereal domain is the collective unconscious, humanity’s reservoir of inherited psychic material. This reservoir informs and is informed by an individual’s unconscious creating a feedback loop for information transmission.
The transmitted information comprises symbolic patterns, or archetypes, representing fundamental human experiences, emotions, and motivations.
Jung concluded that astrology’s explanatory power lies in its ability to map and identify the archetypical patterns of the collective unconscious at any given moment.
For example, suppose you were born at an Aries moment (between March 21 and April 1). In that case, you bear quintessential Aries traits, not based on the influence of the constellation but on the transmission of the embedded archetypes present during that particular period.
This means that stellar positioning is merely used as a celestial clock to mark time.
Hence, the position of the stars in an astrological chart lacks intrinsic value.
Instead, true worth lies in the Jungian undercurrents pervading the universe.
In the article, “Quantum Physics and the Spiritual Mind,” neuropsychologist Diogo Valadas Ponte and professor of quantum chemistry Lothar Schäfer, boldly proclaim:
Psychology is the physics of the mind: Quantum physics is the psychology of the universe.
Since astrology is a blueprint for Jungian reality and quantum physics describes the nature of this reality, both Jung and quantum physics lend credence to a quantum rationale for astrology.
1. The Unus Mundus: Wave-Particle Duality and Non-Locality
Contrary to your science fair diorama, singular electrons aren’t just tangible spheres orbiting atomic nuclei. Instead, the theory of wave-particle duality states that, under certain conditions, nonmaterial elementary particles also manifest as massless standing waves. Like thoughts, these waves interact to create non-material patterns of interconnected information, stitches in the fabric of reality.
This indivisible wholeness exhibits non-locality, whereby interacting particles separated over long distances can influence each other instantaneously.
The interactions encode as cosmic consciousness, a brain-like mosaic of stored data.
Ponte and Schäfer liken the universe’s thoughtlike nature to Jung’s idea of the unus mundus concluding:
The universe is conscious and our thinking is the thinking of the cosmic mind, which finds consciousness in us!
Building on this idea, they argue that the framework of the quantum system (or unus mundus) contains virtual states of latent archetypes.
2. Archetypes: Wavefunctions and Virtual States
Louis de Broglie discovered that nonmaterial particles have an associated wave function that describes the probability of finding the particle in a particular state or location. Before observation or measurement, a particle exists in a state of superposition, simultaneously occupying all possible realities or virtual states.
Once observed, a particle becomes visible by occupying one of these virtual states. Although the abandoned states become “empty,” they are still active.
For example, oxygen facilitates metabolism because it contains so-called degenerative states, namely virtual molecular orbitals with the same energy signature. Common degenerative states of oxygen are hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and water. Though it occupies the water state during cellular respiration, oxygen remains capable of adopting other states. Therefore, depending on various conditions, oxygen could equally exist as hydrogen peroxide or ozone.
This demonstrates that, despite being invisible, virtual states are actualizable.
Ponte and Schäfer liken virtual states to archetypes:
Molecular wave functions have no units of matter or energy. They are pure, non-material forms. The same is true for Jung’s archetypes: like the wave functions of quantum systems, they are pure, non-material forms.
They ascribe this quantum behavior to the entire universe stating:
It makes sense to think that all of reality is like the reality of the atoms. That is, behind the visible surface of things there is a realm of invisible forms, which have the potential to appear in the empirical world and act in it.
This pivotal articulation supports their conclusion that synchronicity is the actualization of virtual states, an assertion that is fundamental to astrology.
3. Synchronicity: Fine-Tuning and Cosmic Awareness
Virtual states appear in the empirical (experiential) world in two forms: (1) thoughts and images and (2) material structures or events. Ponte and Schäfer explain that synchronicity occurs when these forms manifest simultaneously.
According to the Fine Tuning Principle, synchronicity is a deliberate feature of the universe.
It states that the orderliness of empirical reality stems from conscious creation, a brainchild of intentional quantum design. Certain fundamental rules, referred to as the constants of nature, combine in a manner specifically tailored to produce life.
For instance, due to the constant of gravity, the sun emits diverse wavelengths of light through solar radiation. The Earth’s atmosphere filters this light based on the fine structure constant.
These constants align so precisely that the Earth’s atmosphere blocks specific infrared wavelengths to maintain livable temperatures while permitting the visible wavelengths crucial for photosynthesis.
Based on Deepak Chopra’s book You Are The Universe, this fact is not coincidental but synchronistic.
The likelihood of all these constants aligning so precisely to spontaneously generate life is astronomically low (1 in 10⁵⁰⁰!).
Hence, the universe demonstrates self-organization, skillfully crafting the tools necessary for life to flourish. As such, we are not just differentiated products of a random mechanical universe but the very essence of its existence.
As stated by Ponte and Schäfer:
The mental isn’t fractured in the universe in isolated islands, but its thoughts form an ocean of thoughts that fills the entire world.
Physics is the mental order of the universe.
Thus, synchronistic events emerge as archetypes shaping the mental order.
Application to Astrology

stated above, virtual states are inherent attributes of the quantum realm.
Archetypes encoded in cosmic consciousness (or the collective unconscious) occupy these states until an unknowable universal intelligence triggers their empirical form.
Similar to how oxygen recognizes the need to occupy the water state, rather than the ozone state during cellular respiration, the universe recognizes which archetypes to activate at a given moment.
Once activated, the archetypes influence personal behavior and external events to shape reality in a synchronistic fashion.
As Ponte and Schäfer, state:
The entire visible world is an emanation out of a non-empirical cosmic background, which is the primary reality, while the emanated world is secondary.
Therefore, astrological interpretation is simply a form of clairvoyance, extrasensory perception that allows one to read the otherwise hidden background of existence.
So, what accounts for the cosmic order of this secondary reality?
The answer is unsurprisingly Jungian.
Individuation: The Universe’s Operating System
Jung believed that the purpose of human existence is individuation, a spiritual journey to integrate the unconscious and conscious elements of the psyche.
Since the Fine-Tuning Principle concludes that the universe is structured to support life, it follows that the architecture for the structure is purposefully designed to facilitate individuation.
As astrologer Alice Howell asserts:
[An astrological chart is] a treasure map to the individuation process or greater awareness of the Self.
Therefore, the universe conspires to awaken our highest personal expression while astrology unveils the details of the conspiracy.
Like the early days of quantum physics, the mechanics underlying astrology are nonmaterial and thus presently unverifiable. Nevertheless, the plausibility of astrology arises from the insights of Jung and quantum theory, which suggest a hidden pattern within the universe that demands explanation. This form of inductive reasoning, prevalent in scientific inquiry, should also be extended to the realm of astrology.
As such, astrology is a legitimate approach to comprehend the hidden design of the universe and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.